14 May 2011

Just How Good Is It All?

I've been waiting - I admit, impatiently - for the waning of the phrase "It's all good" for some time now -years.  But it doesn't seem to be happening.  In fact, it seems to be increasingly popular among my spiritual growth buddies!  Argh!

Here's why the phrase bugs me.

It feels like either a pushing-down of or a glossing over something which is actually significant, and which deserves attention.  It's different than saying, "I don't want to talk about this right now," which is straightforward and honest. It's different than saying, "I know things will turn out ok eventually, but man, is it hard right now."  It feels both somewhat dishonest and somewhat condescending.  It reminds me of friends saying they were doing great, everything was fine and looking up one weekend, then the next weekend saying that things had been really bad last time, but now they were better.

It's another politically-correct way of speaking about things, to say, it's all under control, no need to worry about me, nope, I got my spirituality going and I'm handling things!  Distancing.

Tell me if I'm wrong about this.

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